适用于三相交流50Hz额定电压为35kV最高工作电压40.5kV的户内电力系统中,作为发电厂,变电所等工矿企业配电室接收分配电能用,并对电路具有控制保护和测量等功能,还可使用于具有频繁操作的电力线路中。该 产品根据CB3906-91《3-35kV交流金属封闭开关设备》和DL404-91的标准,并参照EC-289国际标准的要求 研制的其主要特点:是体按金属封你式结构设计,其外防护等级为IP2X柜内配有性能优息的真空断路器,即ZN12-35,它采用引进西门子公司技术制。Cl-0合金头材料加工,生产工艺独特,开新短路电流能力强截流值小,耐电腐蚀,电场分布均匀。由于断路器可靠性高,可以大大减少停电检修时间和次数。
Suitable for indor three-hase 50-2 AC power system with 35kV n rated vo tage and 40 5kV in maximum operating votage. it appies to power distribution rooms of power plants,subsiations and industrial and minind enterprises o receive and distribute electic eneray, Wth contro, protection and monitoring functions, t alo appiles to pover crcuits with frequentoperation. The product is researched and developed based on recuirements of AC Meta-endlosed Switchgear for ated Votages of 3-35kV (CB3906-91), DL404-91 and lEC-289ntematona sandard. And ts ma characterstics incude that its cabine s desianed dased on meta-encosed voe structure. protecion orade of ts encosure is ip2x, and vacuucircut breaker with god performace is provided in the cabinet, ie.ZN12-35. Adopting technology of Siemens and processing of Cu-Cr aloy contact materal, itfeatures uniqueproducion process. strono canabilivy of breakin shor-circuit curent, smal cu-of value. electrocorosion resisance and even distribution of electic ield. Due to hich relabity oicircuit breaker, power outage and maintenance duration and freauency can be reduced areatly.
Besides, the switchgear has complete operaton proposals as wel as single and bypass bustbar operation modes, capable of realizing uninterupted power supply, With ar insuiationand five-prevention performance.the switchaearone of preferred tvpies of stationary tvpe switchaear currently.
使用环境条件Application environment condition
1. Altitude: H<1000m.
2. Environment temperature: -10CT+40C
3. Relative humidity does not exceed 90%.
4. Seismic intensity: not exceed Degree 8
5. Places without fire, blast , conductive dust and gas which corrodes metal and damages insulation.
品结构及其特点Product structure and its characteristics
本开关柜为金属封闭箱式结构,按其组成分为主柜,后柜两部分,各自由角钢或薄钢板弯制焊接而成,柜内为间隔式,分别是断路器室,母线室,电缆室,继电器室,旁路母线室,进出线方式可是架空进线,也可以是电 缆进出线,开关柜有良好的“五防”功能,断路器隔离开关和前后门的操作必须按一定的操作程序。
With box-type meta-encosed structure. the switchgearis divided into main and rear cabinets which are bent and welded from angle steel or steel shet separately. Featuringcomoartmented tyoe. interior of the switchoear includes circuit breaker, busbar, cable. relay and bypass busbar charmbers. Mode of incoming and outgoing cable can be ovehedimncomina cable as wel as botom ncomino and outaoin cabe, With favorable five-reventon function. the circut reaker, discomnecior and tront and ear doors of the svitchoear mustbe operated based on certain operation procedure.
主电路和二次电路方案Proposal of main and secondary circuits
主电路有64个方案可以配用ZN12- 40.5等断路器;二次线路方案可以根据主电方案以及用户的需要。
Main circut has 64 oronosals and can be fumished with ZN12-40.5 circuit breakers- proposa of secondarv circuit can foloy proosal of main circuit and demands of user