
概述 Overview

KYN28-24(Z)系列铠装移开式交流金属开关设备(以下简称‘’开关设备‘’),系24kV三相交流50(60)Hz单母 及单母线分段系统的成配电装置。主要用于发电厂.中小型发电机送电工矿企事业配电以及电业系统的二次 变电所的受电,送电及大型高压电动机起动等,实行控制保护,监测之用。本开关设备具有防止带负荷推拉断路器 手车,防止误分合断路器,防止接地开关处在闭合位置时关合断路器.防止误入带电隔室.防止在带电时误合接地开关的“五防”联锁功能。

As packaged power distriuton devce o hre-hase 20kV(5060Hz) AC sde busbar and its semented systemn, KYN2-24Z seres movabe type armored meta AC switchaea(hereinater eered to as swtchger appies mainly to power plants. power transmission of smal-and medium-sized cenerators. power distributon of industral and mininoenterprises and instiutons, power receiving and transmision of secondary substation of power system as wel as start-up of arge HV motors to realize control,protection andmontomna. the swicoear teatures ive-dreventn mterock tuncion . reven fustind and pul in handcart ot circut breaker with oad. prevent cannecinn and discamnecincrcuit breaker by mistake, prevent connecing and disconecting circuit breker when earthing swtch is n connecton position, prevent entering ive compartment by mistake anprevent connecting earthing switch by mistake when it is live.

该产品采用GB3906.GB/T 11022.EC 60298等标准要求。

The product follow requirements of GB 3906, GB/T 11022 and EC 60298 standards

使用环境条件Application environment condition


1.Ambient air temperature: -15C-40C;


2.Altitude: 1000m and below;


3. Relative humidity: average daily relative humidity does not exceed 95% and averace monthlv relative humiditv does not exceed 90%.

4.地震烈度:不超过8° :

4.Seismic intensity: not exceed Degree 8;


5. Place without fire disaster, explosion hazard, serious pollution, chemical corrosion and intense vibration:6.在超过GB3906规定的正常环境条件下使用时,请用户与我公司协商。

产品结构及其特点Product structure and its characteristics

1.体积小巧的24kV开关设备,本产品结构型式与12kV中置开关设备类同,用在20kV的系统中,不需要复合 绝缘,不需要加相间隔板,因此产品的绝缘水平优越

1.With its structure type similar to 12k intermediate switchgear, the 24kV switchgear features compact size and can apply to 20kV system, requiring neithercompound insulation nor partition between phases. As a result, product has superior insulation level.


2.Featuring safe structur and flexible instalation,the switchgear consists of two major parts: cabinet and withdrawable interediate components (i.e. handcart).Cabinetis divided into four separate compartments.Protection grade of enclosure is P4X protection grade is P2X when doors of cubicle exterior and circuit breakerchamber are open.Possess overead incomina and outooina cables,botom incoming and outgoing cables and other functional proposal: they become powerjistributon deyices in various pronoals ater arrantind and combinino. Since the switchoear alows instalaton, commissionin and maintenance trom ts tront. it canbe placed back-to-back to form dual-arrangement and be installed against a wal, improving its safety and flexibility and reducing floor coverage


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