
概 术 Overview

XGN2-12(Z)开关设备为金属封闭箱式结构,柜内分为断路器室,母线室电缆室.继电器室,各室之间用钢 板隔开,开关设备前后设门,离墙安装,双面维护,设有泄压通道,柜内照明柜顶小母线。XGN2-12(Z)开关设 备具有完善成熟的“机械五防”和简单明了的操作程序。XGN2-12(Z)开关设备的干断路器采用ZN28A-12.N28- 12ZN63A-12等型直空断路器。也可根据需要配其他型号断路器,温离开关采用GN30-10旋转式隔离开关和GN22-10大电流隔离开关。

Featuring box-type metal-enclosed structure, interior of the switchgear is divided into circuit breaker, busbar, cable, relay and bypassbusbar chambers, which are separated by steel plates. With front and rear doors, switchgear is installed away from a wall to faclitatemaintenance from both sides and is furnished with pressure relief channel, lighting in cabinet and small busbar on top of cabinet. XGN2-12(Z) switchgear has complete and mature mechanical five-prevention as well as simple and clear operation procedure. Besides ZN28A2. ZN28- 12 and ZN63A-12 vacuum circuit breakers. main circuit breaker of XGN2-12Z switchoear can also be furnished with circuitbreakers of other models as required. Disconnectors adopt GN30-10 rotary type and GN22-10 heavy current ones.


Besides meetina reouirements of five-prevention lockina. the product also conforms to Alternating-curent Metal-enclosed Switchgear andControlgear for Rated Volages above 3.6kV and up to and including 40.5KkV (GB3906), Alterating-current Metal-enclosed Switchgear andControlgear(IEC60298).DL/T402 and DLAT404 standards

使用环境条件 Application environment condition

  1. 周围空气温度:

  1.Ambient air temperature:

  2.海拔高度: 1000m及以下;

  2.Altitude: 1000m and below;

  3.湿度条件,日平均值不大于95%,水蒸气压力日平均值不超2.2kPa:月平均值不大于90%,水蒸气压力月 平均值不超1.8kPa。

  3. Humidity condition: average daily value does not exceed 95%, average daily value of vapor pressure does not exceed      2.2kPa: averagemonthly value does not exceed 90%, average monthly value of vapor pressure does not exceed 1.8kPa.


  4.Seismic intensity: not exceed Degree 8;


  5. Place without corrosive or combustible gas and obvious pollution.


  Note: in case of specialrequirements,it is possible to negotiate with the company.


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