概述 Overview
MNS type low-voltage switchgear set up is a product develped by our company, combined with the development trend of low-voltage swichgear assembliesin our country, with improvements in the selection of electrical components and the structure of the cabinet .lt appies to 50~6OHz AC power system with6oVin rated voltage or below, and is suitable for power plant ,transformer statons, petrochemical industy, metallugy and rolig facores,residenial areas,high-rise buildings and other places. t is used for 50~60Hz AC power system with 660V in rated voltage or below n is power conversion and consumpton conro.
The low-voltage switch cabinet is in line with the old occupation standards of C6043PVDEO66O Low-voltage Shaf-type Switchgear ,the fifth part ofIEC6043PVDE0660,GB7251-2013 Low-voltage Switchgear and Control Equipment and occupation standards of JB/T9661 Low-volage ExtractionSwitchgear.
使用环境条件 Application environment condition
1.The ambient temperature is not higher than +40℃, the average temperatre withi 24 hours not higher than 435℃C, and the minimumn envionmental temperature not lower than-5℃.
2. In the atnospheric environment,the air is clean, and the relative huridity is less than 50% at the ighest temperature of 40'℃, allowing a igher relatie humidity in a colow temperature,such as 90% for +2o'℃; however, in consideration of temperature changes, a moderate amount of condensation is occasionally producec
3.The altitude is not more than 2000m
4.本装置适用于以下温度的运输和储存过程; -25℃;至55℃的范围之间,在短时间内超过24h )可达+70℃,在这些极限温度下装置不应遭到任何不可恢复的损伤而且在正常:正常工作。
4. This device is suitable for the transportaion and storage process in the rolowing temperatre: between-25℃ and 55C; +7oO℃ is reached when it is over 24hy at these extemperatures, the device shall not be subjected to any unrecoverable damage and shall work properly under normal conditions.
lf the above conditions can not be satisfied, it should be resolved through negotiation between the user and the manufacturer.